Books for preadolescents/adolescents
(It is always a good idea to preview the books and then share them with your child)
Middle School Survival Guide by Arlene Erlbach (This book has some good information, but also contains some serious information. Parents may want to preview it first.)
Too Old For This, Too Young for That! –Your Survival Guide for The Middle-School Years by Harriet S. Mosatche, Ph.D. and Karen Unger, M.A.
The Care and Keeping of You (for girls) by American Girl Library
A Boy’s Guide to Life-The Complete Instructions (recommended by a parent)—illus. By Bob Straake
Growing and Changing (A Handbook for Preteens) by Kathy McCoy, Ph.D., and Charles Wibbelsman, M.D.—This is a book that you may want to read first, and share with your child at appropriate times.
Girl’s Guide To Becoming a Teen and Boy’s Guide to Becoming a Teen by the American Medical Association.— May want to decide how much of it to share with your child.
the Girls’ Guide to Life by Catherine Dee(more about teaching girls to take charge of their life—this was just recently shared with me)
Life’s Strategies for Teens Jay McGraw
Resources for Parents of preadolescents and teenagers:
Not much just chillin’ by Linda Perstein
HELP and More HELP pamphlets from NMSA—If you would like a copy of these pamphlets—contact Linda Schurman at [email protected])
Teenagers Learn What They Live by Dorothy Lou Nolte, Ph.D. and Rachel Harris, Ph.D.
Between Mother and daughter (a teenager and her mom share the secrets of a strong relationship by Judy Ford & Amanda Ford
When We’re in Public, Pretend You Don’t Know Me (Surviving Your Daughter’s Adolescence So You Don’t Look Like an Idiot and She Still Talks to You) by Susan Borowitz
Dads and Daughters (How to Inspire, Understand, and Support Your Daughter) by Joe Kelly
Why Do They Act That Way? (A Survival Guide to the Adolescent Brain for You and Your Teen) by David Walsh, Ph.D
No-Why Kids of All Ages Need to Hear It and Ways Parents Can Say It. By David Walsh Ph.D
Bright Minds, Poor Grades Understanding and Motivating Your Underachieving Child by Michael D. Whitley, Ph.D.
Why Boys Don’t Talk and Why It Matters by Susan Morris Shaffer and Linda Perlman Gordon
Good Parents, Tough Times—How Your Catholic Faith Provides Hope and Guidance in Times of Crisis by C. Giannetti and M. Sagarese
Raising a Thinking Preteen by Myrna B. Shure Ph.D
52 Ways to Protect Your Teen by Susie Vanderlip
Talking to Tweens by Elizabeth Hartley-Brewer
Time Magazine- May 10, 2004 “Secrets of the Teen Brain” p. 56-65
Time Magazine-August 8, 2005 - Special Report on Being 13 ( a great deal of this issues covers many topics relating to 13- year-olds)